Category Archives: Middle East

Oct. 7 2024 – A Year Later

1900 Palestine was a province of the Ottoman Empire. The Arab armies liberated the Middle East with the British Army, but the provinces were divided by two English Arab experts. Straight lines drawn in the deserts. Peace ruled the lands, but the West had plans for the Levant. 1937 Nakba when the British defeated the […]

CRAZY MUSLIMS by Peter Nolan Smith

Yesterday I called my ‘niece’ Andy to wish her Jewish Happy New Year. She had already left the diamond exchange for the day and explained that she was having a post-work drink at the Plaza Hotel bar. “I’m meeting my sister and her wife for Rosh Hashanah.” “Nice, I’m in Brooklyn, otherwise I’d come and […]

Jesus’ Tomb – 2013

“What is Jerusalem worth?” the bastard knight at the end of KINGDOM OF GOD asks Saladin, the leader of the Muslim army.  “Nothing.” Saladin answered and walked away, then turns and says, “Everything.” For centuries faith has determined the worth of Jerusalem for the Jews, Christians, and Muslims. As an atheist I think they all […]

Babi Yar Ala Gaza

On 29–30 September 1941 outside of Kyiv the Nazi occupiers of that city rounded up the city’s Jews and marched them to a ravine called Babi Yar. Throughout the next two days the SS Sondercommando squad massacred some thirty-four thousand men, women, and children. No one was spared, although twenty-nine people survived the killings by […]

Old Palestine

Ancient Roman writers referred to Palestine as Syria Palaestina consisting of the lands between theMediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. Jaffa was the entry port for the region. The population was made up of mostly Arabs and a smattering of Jews. Arab warriors protected Palestine from Bedouin raiders. Farmers raised olive trees and orchards on […]