Category Archives: etiquette


From 2011 from Nick the Wanker, but as useful now as it was then Women beware WOMEN’S ENGLISH Yes = No No = Yes Maybe = No We need = I want I’m sorry = You’ll be sorry We need to talk = You’re in trouble Sure, go ahead = You better not Do what […]

Fucking Coffee Cup Holders

A week after 9/11 the wind shifted from the west and a southerly breeze pushed the smoke from the Big Pile into the East Village instead of Brooklyn. It smelled like an asbestos BBQ. I called my sister in Boston. We hadn’t gotten along as teenagers, but had become good friends during the deaths of […]

Good for the Bad – Milk Bar 1986

Written 2009 Eternally bad behavior has been endemic in bars and nightclubs. Drinking tended to assholize many people, myself included, and drugs exacerbated the dilemma. The problem covers all stations of life from the very rich to the very poor. My years of working security at Hurrah, the Jefferson, Bains-Douches, Milk Bar et al had […]

A Quiet Place To Drink

Luis Bunuel wrote in LAST GASP “I also remember a bar at the Plaza Hotel in New York, a busy meeting place which at the time was off limits to women. Any friend of mine passing through New York knew that if he wanted to find me, he had only to go to the Plaza […]

Fucking with Robots

Amusing yourself in a hospital I can’t believe how satisfying fucking with the robot is. Robots built to obey Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics from I ROBOT. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A robot must obey orders given it by […]