Category Archives: Sin

The Evil Of The Church

In the early 1970s I drove taxi in Boston. Occasionally I received dispatched calls and picked up young girls in a family way. Our destination the diocesan home for wayward girls in Dorchester. These young girls sent to the nuns to be treated as Mary Magdalene, who was never portrayed as a loose woman in […]

The Beauty of Doing Nothing

Today from a European time zone a friend Serge Kruger, famed Paris bon vivant, mused on Facebook, “Luckily I like to do nothing.” Je suis avec lui 100%. According to Wikipedia the English borrowed ennui from French in the 1660s. Ennui came from an Old French word meaning “displeasure.” Ennui was also related to the […]

Train Travel By Night – July 27, 1983 – Paris – Journal

Night time Someplace in America Friday night Travel by night o fun Nothing to see, but Darkness Sometimes passing through small town. The semi-blue TV glow In the living room window Marking the passing houses Upstairs All the children asleep___ Mom and Dad have gone out For dinner, for drinks, with their friends In the […]

THE ITCH by Stephen Hammer

The second title by StephenHammer (John Coleman, Olympia’s leading inspiration and top blurb-writer). The Itch, a tale that predates Indecent Proposal by decades, presents Viney, the husband, Martha, his wife, their many desires, and a millionaire who wanders along and offers them seven figures if they act out those desires in interesting ways. But their […]

If Jesus Came To My House

According to the New Testament Jesus was crucified by the Romans atop Calvary. His apostles entombed their Messiah in a cave. His mother and Mary Magdalene mourned his death. The High Priests of Judah celebrated the demise of another troublemaker. Only Jesus didn’t die easy. On the third day the Son of Joseph supposedly rose […]