Category Archives: Sin

If Jesus Came To My House

According to the New Testament Jesus was crucified by the Romans atop Calvary. His apostles entombed their Messiah in a cave. His mother and Mary Magdalene mourned his death. The High Priests of Judah celebrated the demise of another troublemaker. Only Jesus didn’t die easy. On the third day the Son of Joseph supposedly rose […]

The Speed of Nothing

An ant on my hand Life or death My choice I choose to do nothing. To often we feel obliged to act When the best course of action is inaction Of course I have upgraded Sloth from the Seven Deadly Sins to a virtue in revenge for astronomers downgrading Pluto from palnet status. I rejoice […]

SKATING ON THIN ICE by peter nolan smith 2011

Thailand’s monsoons arrived at the end of the Pattaya’s low season in April 2022, but none had ever been lower than this Covid season. Hotels offered special rates and the few working girls at the even fewer bars and go-gos called everyone ‘sexy’, but the global travel chaos due to the deadly pandemic has forced […]

COME ALL YE FAITHFUL by Peter Nolan Smith

Pattaya is not a city known for monogamy. Promises of fidelity last, until you leave the room, because this city on Thailand’s Eastern Seaboard offers temptations by the thousands and those temptations rarely say no. Bar girls, rent boys, ka-toeys, booze, and drugs added up to damnation according to Reverend Joe Stannis of the Holy […]

Robert E. Peary Sins

The Ancients suspected the existence of the North and South Poles from astronomical calculations and the Mandaean religion prayed facing the North as the World of Light. For thousands of years the North Pole existed as a myth, however in the 19th Century Europeans sought the Northwest Passage through the the endless archipelago of barren […]