Category Archives: Nature

Better Late Than Never

Merry Christmas Comrades I’m even capitalizing the C to maintain the spiritual peace of the winter holidays even though the Christians stole the Yulemas from the ancient Druids of Stonehenge. Meán Geimhridh commemorating the shortest day of the year predates the Bronze Age. The original rituals from over five thousand years ago have been lost […]

The Paganism Of The Christmas

Eight years ago I woke at 3:33 AM to view the first winter solstice lunar eclipse. I climbed out onto the roof of the Fort Greene Observatory and lifted my eyes to the heavens. A sliver of silver topped the Earth’s satellite. I stripped naked to bathe in the light of the sun off the […]

Dunkel Dunkel

The word for darkness in German is ‘dunkel’. Darkness is ‘dunkelheit’ and today dawned very ‘dunkel’ in the Rhine city of Cologne. The farther north in Europe the shorter the days, as the northern hemisphere approaches the winter solstice. After dunkel comes the grey sky of morning and I will visit the great cathedral of […]

May 12 Rinche – Lama Hotel – Langtang – Journal Entry

Day two and we dined with the Sherpa porters, cooks and guides by a campfire. There is no electricity in this valley other than our flashlights and my Sony World Band radio.I turn it on getting a scratchy Nepali station playing local music sounding much like Indian music. The Sherpa are happy and break out […]

Bridges On The Hudson

Written Sep 2, 2018 The Kaaterskil Creek flows East out of the Catskill Mountains Into the Hudson River___ The creek has existed since the Ice Age. For millenium the primordial Glacial Shield sheared off the tops of much high mountains forming the Catskills. Granite tops their ruined peaks. A land of wonder. In 1818 at […]