Monthly Archives: April 2016

TV Terror

When I was young, my father called the TV the ‘boob tube’. He felt that the programming made us idiots. He was right. I loved THE THREE STOOGES. Later my father railed against the senseless violence on the TV. “Only will breed violence.” He was right again. This country is full of violence, but some […]

Tutankhamen’s Tomb Knot

For over three thousand years Tutankhamen’s tomb was secured by this intricate knot and a delicate clay seal featuring Anubis, the ancient Egyptians’ jackal god entrusted with the protection of the cemetery. Work men discovered the tomb under debris of Ramsses’ final resting place. The knot survived thanks to the desert’s aridity and the lack […]

Sin Bin

My friend Emily Armstrong send this list and asked, “Are you a punk?” The video archivist scored a $110. I hit $140. I feel like a good boy.

The Thin Shadow

“As I got older, I rejected the mirror in favor of my thinner shadow at sunset.” Peter Nolan Smith 2016

Pursuit of Higher Education UK

My sister-in-law regards me as a ne’er-do-well. She’s not far off the mark, I’ve led a prodigal’s life, while she’s worked for the CIA under George Bush and led a an exemplary suburban life as a working mother and wife. My brother and she have raised two good kids. Smarter than me and this Spring […]