Category Archives: Drinking

New Year’s Traffic Death Festival 2019

From 2019 The Thai Festival for the end of 2018 has come to an end. The police are are overwhelmed by the traffic, as milliions of Thais travel to the distant provinces to see their families. The holiday death toll reached over 400 with countless thousands injured in car and motorcycle accidents. Driving drunk is […]

Back From The Dead 2011

My New Year’s Eve plans were local. Watch the Celtics-New Orleans game at Mullane’s followed up by an early beer at Frank’s then home to my Fort Greene Penthouse to watch the final sunset of 2011 before getting attire in my evening suit. Nothing says New Year’s Eve better than a tux. I polished off […]

Palm Beach Sunday

From 2008 In April 2008 I lived nowhere. My apartment in the East Village had been taken over by the faceless management company. I had lived with my wife and daughter in Pattaya until this April. We had had good times and bad times. It was home, then again I considered anyplace home once you […]

Dangerous At Any Age

Old Bill from Frank’s Lounge had been a numbers man for decades. We drank in the afternoons into the evening. Always dressed suit jacket and tie. “You know what’s bad about getting old. People don’t think you’re dangerous.” He opened his jacket. In the left side of his chest rested a .38. “This changes their […]

Hoegaarten Beer End of Summer

Written 2010 Beer is better than good in Belgium. Back in the 80s I drank in a bar behind the Gallerie des Reines. A small bar. No one of consequences frequented the back street bar. Seats for 10. Draft beer. Le Mort Subite and Hoegaarten. One great for winter. The other superb for summer. The […]