Category Archives: Space

Planetary Alignment January 25, 2025

Tonight’s night sky will present a planetary parade of six major planets. The rare collection of seven planets in alignment will gather the solar system’s celestial energy hopefully changing the current human miasma of despair. The sun will be the unseen lynchpin for Mercury, Venus, the Earth Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, although light will illuminate […]

Pagan Solstice – 2016

Fourteen years ago I woke at 3:33 am. I remembered reading in the New York Times that there would be a lunar eclipse. The first to occur on the winter solstice in over 400 years. I looked out the window and saw the shadowed moon. A sliver of silver atop the Earth’s satellite. I stripped […]

Hawaii Missile Threat

Published 2009 North Korea launched a Taepodong-2 rocket in the general direction on Hawaii. No sirens sounded in Pearl Harbor. The missile failed to achieve orbit, although the hardline worker state crowed about their propaganda “victory” on state TV and the state organ newspaper declared the test as a “historic event that sounded the cannon’s […]

Blackout – Montauk # 37

Two hours past sunset Ditch Plains Montauk Walking from a friend’s house Black out Power down Lights out All lights out No man light at all___ The above stars Light the path through the Shagmoor Cold 30 degrees cold No wind Through the trees To the south Below the bluff Waves crashing on the beach___ […]

Fly Me to The Moon 55

July 20, 1969. The eyes of the world broke away from the Vietnam War, the Paris Uprising, and the Mets challenging the National League. Most people’s vision was fixed on the Moon, as TVs and radios reported the lunar landing of Apollo 11 to an anxious planet. This space mission had been inspired by the […]