Category Archives: work

Labor Day Weekend A Year Ago 2023

Labor Day Weekend traditionally marks the end of summer in the USA. Millions of Americans flocked to the shore, lakes, mountains, parks, and backyards for a last gasp of enjoyment before going back to work. Few realize that the holiday was established by President Grover Cleveland as a peace offering after his ordering in troops […]

Sleeping on the Job #1

When I was a kid, some men would see road crews leaning on their shovels and called them lazy bastards. My father had worked a lumber camp in his youth and told his white-collar cohorts, “You’ve never worked a day in your life, if you say that.” He was an electrical engineer. His hands were […]

Rehab In Juneau

In 2021 I was having too good a time at the 169 in Chinatown. Work was light and I was falling deeper into debt. I received a phone call from Alaska offering a jewelry job. I accepted without thinking and flew four time zones west and north to the Land of The Midnight Sun. I […]

SMASHING KNIVES by Peter Nolan Smith

 In the Greater Depression the employment opportunities for a man my age were limited in New York City, however my absolute willingness to work overcame most obstacles and for the past two months I have labored at a different job every few day. I have trawled Harlem pawn shops for loose diamonds, videoed Off-Off […]

Long Weekend

Labor Day was established to commemorate the deaths of Pullman Train Strikers at the hands of the federal government. This history has faded from the collective memory of America and the country now celebrates the holiday as the end of summer with BBQs, mass exoduses to the beach and mountains, drunk driving contests, and country […]