Category Archives: 2010s

Osama Bin Laden WHO II

Osama Bin Laden was fingered by the CIA as the mastermind of 9/11. His name on Google has 124,000,000 results. The Al-Quada fugitive was # 1 on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. He evaded capture and death for over a decade and three president. In 2011 Barack Obama greenlighted his assasssination. “Kill the motherfuckah.” He […]

General Tso’s Blizzard

Prior to Christmas of 2010 my younger sister insisted on my spending the holiday with her in Boston. She was worried about my head, since our beloved father had passed away in November and my wife and kids were on the other side of the world in Thailand. “I don’t want you to be alone.” […]

60 Minus 1 – 2011

Friends, family, and strangers constantly say that I don’t look my age. I’ve stopped looking in the mirror in favor of regarding my shadow against a wall, so the innate narcissistic nature guillibly believes the complements and lies. This weekend was my birthday. One short of the next big one. Andrea from across the aisle […]

The Stars Beyond Our Touch

The stars have obsessed Man throughout our existence on the planet. We have stared at the distant pinpoints of light and asked if anyone was out there. Our ancient ancestors thought the cosmos was the home of the gods, Christians prayed upward to heaven, and modern scientists have mapped the universe with telescopes. Our early […]

Osama Down

The USA has been fighting a decades-old war against Al-Quada. At one time its founder, Osama Bin Ladin had been our ally in the insurgency against the Soviets in Afghanistan. His family had ties to power brokers in Washington. Bin Laden’s schism with the West began in 1990 with the stationing of foreign troops on […]