Category Archives: america

Moneyless Americans

Americans don’t have money. They have credit card debt. – James Steele – Fugitive Americans are $1.8 trillion dollars in debt to banks. If there are lucky. The average credit card interest rate in America is 24.26% after the fourth straight monthly decrease in the wake of recent Federal Reserve rate cuts. Mostly spend on […]

Sieg-Heil Trump – Elon Musk

A day after theocracy replaced democracy in America. Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, thrilled the inaugural audience by twice sieg heiling after his speech. Joy enraptures the true believers, while the fallen moan their present fate. There is a need for concern. Trump won the election by more than a million votes, as Democratic […]

Evil Personified – Edgar J Hoover – 2014

The FBI waged psychological warfare against Martin Luther King and his wife Coretta. Letter such as the one above, which suggested he take his life, were constantly sent to the family at the behest of the FBI director. J. Edgar Hoover was an evil man and his legacy haunts the FBI to this day. Not […]

Palm Beach Sunday

From 2008 In April 2008 I lived nowhere. My apartment in the East Village had been taken over by the faceless management company. I had lived with my wife and daughter in Pattaya until this April. We had had good times and bad times. It was home, then again I considered anyplace home once you […]

Bad Mouthing the Eagle

Benjamin Franklin never proposed the turkey for the national bird. It is a myth, however the turkey of his era was nothing like the domesticated bird slaughtered for Thanksgiving. The wild turkey was a cunning wood creature living in large communes of fellow avians. Huge flocks of brightly plumed turkeys clouded the skies. Benjamin Franklin […]