Category Archives: ireland

Better Late Than Never

Merry Christmas Comrades I’m even capitalizing the C to maintain the spiritual peace of the winter holidays even though the Christians stole the Yulemas from the ancient Druids of Stonehenge. Meán Geimhridh commemorating the shortest day of the year predates the Bronze Age. The original rituals from over five thousand years ago have been lost […]

Happy Padraic’s Day 1997

Shot at the Stone Throne of Ballyconneeley 1997

DIRTY OLD TOWN by the Pogues 2009

Several hundred bands will parade up 5th Avenue in New York in honor of St. Padraic. Not one of them will play DIRTY OLD TOWN. I love the Pogues and what about Spider’s teeth. real stumps they are. So for a good lift go to this URL And if you don’t like it, Go hifreann […]

The Wall At Keogh’s Pub 1997

In the Autumn of 1995 Ty Spaulding and I traveled to the Far West of Ireland. Our rented house in Ballyconneely had a view of the sea, moors, bogs, and the Seven Pins of the Connemarra. The internet had yet to become an instrument of communication and we wrote letters to friends around the world. […]

The Far West Of Ireland

My grandmother came from County Mayo. Her last name was Walsh. Nana sailed to Boston at the age of fourteen. That ocean voyage was so traumatic that she never returned to Ireland. My mother and her sisters often offered to fly Nana to Shannon. “I don’t want to travel on that sea again.” “Planes don’t […]