Monthly Archives: October 2024

Pumpkin Stand Bowling 1962

Route 28 From Chatham On Cape Cod To Manchester New Hampshire. The four-laner contracted to two Through the Blue Hills South of Boston___ Wider again after the lights After Chicktawbut Road Passing my neighborhood A fruit stand sold pumpkins On Halloween___ That evening Hundreds lay unprotected No lights Our gang of boys and girls Sleathily […]

Montauk Train # 19

Amagansett Empty golf course Fourteen minutes From Montauk___ I have never played a round of golf Though once Back in the last century Queen’s Park London 1997 With friends Nina, Ingi and others The Persian, Maid Marion, Frank, maybe Fingers Maybe others___ On beautiful September afternoon Queen’s Park Nine holes___ Who won? No one cared […]

Uncle Bubba – Lookalike

Last night some young admirer struggled and mistakenly called me Uncle Festus. I said to them and their waif friends “The only part of me that is bald are my shaved cock and balls.” Most people think I look like Eric Roberts, but I prefer Jeff Bridges.

le Bains Douches Toujours Seule

A poem from a journal 1983. Ah, Paris.

Knicks Versus Celtics – Game 1 – 2024-2025 Season

Tonight the NBA season opens with the New York Knicks playing the World Champion Boston Celtics at Boston Garden. There is another name for that arena, however I live only partially in this century of corporate control. The present value of the Boston franchise is estimated at $5.12 billion and the present owners are considering […]