Monthly Archives: August 2015

FIRE by Arthur Brown

Bombs In Holy Places

The Erawan Shrine was built in 1956 to offset the state-owned hotel’s foundation being laid on an astrologically disadvantageous date as well as the intersection having been a site for displaying criminals before execution. The Thao Maha Phrom Shrine of Lord Brahma has long been a top tourist site for visitors from Communist China who […]

Bernie Was There 1962

Bernie Sanders was there from the start. He remains true. He has my vote once he truly addresses the occupation of Palestine. ps This photo dates back to a CORE sit-in 1962. Conversely Hillary Clinton was working with the Barry Goldwater Campaign.

$8.75 Steak A La Danceteria

I bought a steak with three drink tickets or two with a bump 56 minutes ago · Like Henry Benavides commented that he and Ann the elevator girl made Guacamole one night with main ingredient Vodka. It sold out. Then I picked up Ann and put her butt first in the garbage can in the […]

The Messiah Speaketh on Wisdom

The Lord of Truth lives. George Carlin. Check out this URL