Category Archives: heresy

The Outrage of Christ

< THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST by Nikos Kazantzakis was a revelation for a young Catholic boy living on the South Shore of Boston in 1967. I found the book in our town library next to his successful novel ZORBA THE GREEK. The blurb on the dust cover shockingly declared that Kazantzakis had written this […]

LOSING GOD by Peter Nolan Smith

A week before Christmas of 1967 I received my midterm report card from Our Lord’s Health High School. Having a stutter and stammer I had been expecting worst, however Bruder Karl had graciously passed me with a D+ in German. He loved that I read the poetry of Rilke. Brother Valentine had seen no merit […]

Going To Hell

1. An Indian man dies and arrives at the Pearly Gates. “Yes, how can I help?” asks St Peter. “I’m here to meet Jesus,” says the Indian man. St Peter looks over his shoulder and shouts, “Jesus, your cab is here!” 2. What?s the difference between the real Jesus and a picture of Jesus? It […]

The Immaculate Conception of The Blessed Virgin Mary

In the Second Century CE the mother of Mary debuted into Christian belief in the Gospel Of St. James. The tale of her conception without sex was cobbled together in the Gospel of James from Greek myths and an Old Testament fable Samuel’s mother giving birthing without enduring penetration by her infertile husband, Joachim. The […]

Palestine Then

During the Great War the French and British sliced up the Ottoman Empire without any interest in creating viable states according to the 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement. TE Lawrence was outraged by this betrayal of the two nations’ allies again the Turks. The Mandate of Palestine was given to the English who stood by when the […]