Category Archives: myth

Jesus Everywhere Even Paris

According to the Baltimore Cathecism of my youth, God is omnipotent, all-knowing, and omnipresent, so that Christians seek to see their God everywhere, as happened in the Dionysius tableau on the Paris bridge for the Olympics Spectacle. They saw blasphemy, instead of recognize the Last Supper as miracle, although they see Jesus everywhere. Believers in […]

Jesus’ Tomb – 2013

“What is Jerusalem worth?” the bastard knight at the end of KINGDOM OF GOD asks Saladin, the leader of the Muslim army.  “Nothing.” Saladin answered and walked away, then turns and says, “Everything.” For centuries faith has determined the worth of Jerusalem for the Jews, Christians, and Muslims. As an atheist I think they all […]

Summer Times Blues

Today was the official summer solstice for the northern hemisphere. The day lasted almost sixteen hours in New York and the sun never set in Murmansk, Russia. I woke well before the dawn and went to sleep far past sunset, as the Earth polar cap tipped toward the nearest star 93 million miles away from […]

HillBilly Ranch Bar Boston – 1999

As you get old you forget. as you get older, you are forgotten – anon I know that I didn’t come up with that quote, because I haven’t really forget everything yet and several years ago I reminisced about Lost Boston with a few old-timers during an afternoon Jacob Wirth’s bar, while killing time waiting […]

TIME HAS COME TODAY by the Chambers Brothers

In the late-60s I attended Xaverian Brothers south of Boston ten miles away from my house underneah the Blue Hills. No buses or trains ran between the suburbs on the outskirts of Boston to the all boys Catholic high school and only connection between these bedroom communities was Route 128 orbiting Boston from the Quincy […]