Tag Archives: stonehenge

Neolithic Equinox

I first visited London in the fall of 1978. My girlfriend Lisa was a model for Elite. The New York owner John Casablancas thought her beauty might sell better in Europe. The blonde from Buffalo was only 5-7. We lived next to the Chelsea Football Stadium and had never left the apartment on match days. […]

Summer Times Blues

Today was the official summer solstice for the northern hemisphere. The day lasted almost sixteen hours in New York and the sun never set in Murmansk, Russia. I woke well before the dawn and went to sleep far past sunset, as the Earth polar cap tipped toward the nearest star 93 million miles away from […]

The Longest Day Of The Year – Stonehenge – 2014

37,000 people gathered at Stonehenge to celebrate the dawn of the longest day of the year. Police arrested a number of people for reefer, which the BBC referred to as ‘drugs’. I stood on my roof at dusk. Naked to the sun. No one else joined me, which is a good thing. Getting arrested for […]


Stonehenge in Wilshire England has existed as a solar calendar for over 10,000 years. The current stone structures were erected around 5000 years ago. Access to the monoliths was restricted by the English Heritage Commission in 1977, although I can recall visiting the epic steles with a British friend in the 1990s. Few tourists were […]

Summer Times Blues

Today was the official summer solstice for the northern hemisphere. The day lasted almost sixteen hours in New York and the sun never set in Murmansk, Russia. I woke well before the dawn and went to sleep far past sunset, as the Earth polar cap tipped toward the nearest star 93 million miles away from […]