Category Archives: My Life With A Porno Starlette

NORTH NORTH HOLLYWOOD – Chapter 1 – A novel by Peter Nolan Smith

Six women crowded the honeymoon suite of the Coastal Motel. The buxom ‘groom’ waited patiently on the bed, while the brutish camerawoman glanced at the director and tapped her watch. “Lena, are you ready yet?” A bead of sweat trickled down the wiry director’s spine, as she knocked on the bathroom door. “One more minute,” […]

FINALLY by Peter Nolan Smith

All through the summer of 2014 I had been jokingly asking couples about the chances of us having a menage-a-trois with me. The response varied from disgust to a laughing rejection. I spared no one my query and no one accepted the challenge. The ludicrous proposition was strictly a joke, but last weekend I attended […]