Category Archives: Education


From 2011 from Nick the Wanker, but as useful now as it was then Women beware WOMEN’S ENGLISH Yes = No No = Yes Maybe = No We need = I want I’m sorry = You’ll be sorry We need to talk = You’re in trouble Sure, go ahead = You better not Do what […]

Osama Bin Laden WHO II

Osama Bin Laden was fingered by the CIA as the mastermind of 9/11. His name on Google has 124,000,000 results. The Al-Quada fugitive was # 1 on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. He evaded capture and death for over a decade and three president. In 2011 Barack Obama greenlighted his assasssination. “Kill the motherfuckah.” He […]

Before and Now and Thereafter

Long ago Long before Taylor Swift Man became Man How does not matter As what does not matter We existed Prey for all animals Saber-Toothed tigers, crocodiles, mosquitos ad infinitum Man was not atop the feeding chain Man was not on the bottom What saved us We smelled bad We tasted worst. And we learned […]

ANCIENT PORN by Peter Nolan Smith

Pornography is derived from the Greeks linking two words; prostitute and I read. The portrayal of sexual acts can be traced to pre-Ice Age. Scientist claim a naked figurine carved from a mammoth ivory was man’s first attempt at figurative representation. Opponents to this thought counter that lurid images were not found amongst the thousands […]

IMPURE AT HEART by Peter Nolan Smith

In the early 60s the nuns of Our Lady of the Foothills taught their students that our sins were punished in the burning fires of Hell, until then Mother Superior subjected the palms of potential heretics and religious backsliders to a cane. Whisperers and jesters suffered the yardstick. All of her victims were boys, for […]