Category Archives: history

The Harsimus Branch Embankment – Jersey City

Last Wednesday I left Clinton Hill to act the role of a drunken pool player in low-budget film. LATE FAME. A movie from a 1894 novella about a forgotten poet discovered by the young. My friend was the lead. “This movie is about you.” Famous for never. One scene was all I got. Losing at […]

Say it loud, I’m black and I’m proud – 2010

Say it loud, I’m black and I’m proud. James Brown sang those words to the entire nation. Even the KKK heard, but back in the 1960s not everyone was listening to the singer of PLEASE PLEASE ME, since black music was broadcasted on the far ends of the AM radio spectrum. In Boston at night […]


Dallas trumphed over Atlanta and the Steelers bettered the Brocnos to set up the two teams playing in SuperBowl XIII, as the NFL uses Roman numeral to classy up the most profitable Battle of Brawn of 1979. Alice will return to New York after a long holiday in West Virginia. She telephoned last night with […]

Pagan Solstice – 2016

Fourteen years ago I woke at 3:33 am. I remembered reading in the New York Times that there would be a lunar eclipse. The first to occur on the winter solstice in over 400 years. I looked out the window and saw the shadowed moon. A sliver of silver atop the Earth’s satellite. I stripped […]


Like JFK’s assassination everyone of a certain age remembered where they were during the announcement of the Japanese attack on the US Pacific Fleet in Pearl Harbor. Many had to ask, “Where’s Pearl Harbor?” This morning to commemorate their ignorance I posed the same question to younger people on the streets of Manhattan. Few of […]