Category Archives: gambling

Reno Nevada Blackjack May 29, 1974

In 1974 my 21st birthday was spent driving across Nevada with Andy, a pot-smoking pianist, and Carole, a blonde co-ed heading to the West Coast. We had made good time in the rent-away station wagon up to this point and I decided to celebrate my coming of age by gambling at every desert town along […]

May 14, 1990 – Langtang Glacier – Nepal – Journal Entry

As promised the trek across the landslide was tricky. Loose shale and rocks under foot. Dorge said two houses were swept away by the avalanche. “No one was killed. One man still missing.” He said this with resignation to the danger of living in the Himalayas. Miriam picks her way across the wasteland. Her feet […]

Friday the 13th 9-13-1974

I respect the power of 13. Back in 1974 my friend Andy Kornfeld and I were driving cross country in a drive-away station wagon. We left from Boston, stopping at Sterling, Colorado-Thompson Canyon, the Id Lounge in Roosevelt Utah before hitting the Stateline of Nevada. I had never gambled in a casino and stopped at […]

Bangkok Card Scam

“There’s a sucker born every minute.” PT Barnum – circus flimflammer. One reason for the current economic debacle is the natural propensity of people wanting something for nothing i.e. greed. The middle-class of America were dissatisfied with their lot in life and sought to live like millionaires on credit and leveraged mortgages. Most got their […]

Lucky $1 Bet IN UK

On my 21st Birthday I gambled my way across Nevada with my good friend Andy Kornfeld. I won in several smaller casinos and hit Reno up about $500, which was a small fortune in 1973. Andy struggled to convince me to quit while I was ahead, instead a mini-skirted blonde waitress offered free drinks. I […]