Tag Archives: reno

Reno Nevada Blackjack May 29, 1974

In 1974 my 21st birthday was spent driving across Nevada with Andy, a pot-smoking pianist, and Carole, a blonde co-ed heading to the West Coast. We had made good time in the rent-away station wagon up to this point and I decided to celebrate my coming of age by gambling at every desert town along […]


The dawn sun peeked over the eastern mountains and a stark brightness flared through Sean’s eyelids. He crawled from his sleeping bag and rose to his feet. A hissing wind pelleted his face with ancient brine and his body ached from the night’s sleep on the hard desert surface. The New Englander had woken in […]

Friday the 13th 9-13-1974

I respect the power of 13. Back in 1974 my friend Andy Kornfeld and I were driving cross country in a drive-away station wagon. We left from Boston, stopping at Sterling, Colorado-Thompson Canyon, the Id Lounge in Roosevelt Utah before hitting the Stateline of Nevada. I had never gambled in a casino and stopped at […]

Lucky $1 Bet IN UK

On my 21st Birthday I gambled my way across Nevada with my good friend Andy Kornfeld. I won in several smaller casinos and hit Reno up about $500, which was a small fortune in 1973. Andy struggled to convince me to quit while I was ahead, instead a mini-skirted blonde waitress offered free drinks. I […]

LUCKY IN LOVE by Peter Nolan Smith

The dawn sun burned misty shadows off the mountains and a stark brightness seared through my eyelids, as I rose from my sleeping bag to drink in the austere surroundings. Flatness stretched forever. A hissing wind pelleted my face with ancient brine. The salt lay five feet deep this far from the lake. A quick […]