Monthly Archives: September 2017

No Player For Beaver Country Day

The NBA will open the preseason this coming week and the league’s commissioner declared that the players will be expected to stand during the National Anthem. The Lakers and Timberwolves linked arms in unity, but no one took the knee in protest of centuries of injustice against the black race. In 2014 Silver banned the […]

A Jew Canoe

< In the 50s crackers from the South christened a Cadillac with New York plates passing through Dixie as the ‘Jew Canoe’. That decade and the 1960s marked the zenith of the glory for Detroit cars. Americans abandoned their boats during the 1973 Oil Embargo for more fuel-efficient foreign cars and the Mercedes-Benz sedans surfaced […]

To The East

Last week I flew fifteen hours to the Orient to deliver a very expensive handbag to a Hong Kong billionaire. After checking into my reserved Kowloon hotel room a little before dawn I searched Moby Road for an open restaurant. Everything was closed, except for a 7/11. I bought a big can of beer and […]

Unsexy Asia Cities 2017

Playboy recently listed Detroit as the nation’s # 1 unsexy city. Murder, rust factories, and overweight people are the LimpDs calling cards, nothing about Motor City says ‘sexy’ better than the MC5, Grand Funk Railroad, and Wendy Whitelaw. But Detroit has competition from Asia, as indicated by the Global Sexual Wellbeing Survey released at the World Congress […]

Across From Burma

Throughout the 90s I biked up from Chiang Mai to Mai Sai on the Thai-Burma border. A small river separated the two countries. The people on both sides looked the same and the houses were built in a similar fashion. I stayed at the Mai Sai Guest House to the left of the Friendship Bridge. […]