Category Archives: guns

Gun freedom stems from the need to repress the freedom of the others. – James Steele – unrepentant counterfeiter

Guns On Avenue C – 1986

In the 1970s I always said that the East Village looked like Rome three days after the sack of the Visigoths 410 CE. Buildings burned day and night. The overstretched 9th precinct triaged the streets beyond 1st Avenue. No patrols ventured farther than Tompkins Square Park. Shooting galleries outnumbered bodegas and hordes of thieves fearlessly […]


Alice is down in Chinatown, plotting the dramatic take-over of the East Village with Tom Scully and his scrawny girlfriend. I don’t like the way Susan looks at Alice and she doesn’t like the way Alice loves me. To her I’m a thug. The coke deal is back on and I’m waiting on Guadalcanal’s call […]

March For Never Again

Yesterday hundreds of thousands marched in cities across the USA and world to call for an end to the senseless mass killings. The demonstrations were organized by survivors of the Parkland School shooting. The 19 year-old killer had attended Stoneman Douglas High School and the police had been alerted to his erratic behavior throughout 2016 […]

The Blessing of The Second Amendment

America loves guns. The bigger the gun they better. I’m no exception, however I only shoot on a gun range. I never carry. I don’t even own a gun. Donald Trump is an NRA member. In an interview with he said, “I am a Life Member of the NRA and am proud of their […]