Category Archives: culture

Summer Times Blues

Today was the official summer solstice for the northern hemisphere. The day lasted almost sixteen hours in New York and the sun never set in Murmansk, Russia. I woke well before the dawn and went to sleep far past sunset, as the Earth polar cap tipped toward the nearest star 93 million miles away from […]

Thanksgiving 1978 From My Journal

Thanksgiving 1978 was spent at our Easts Village apartment; Ann, Kim, Bobbie, Andy Reese, and Grant. I ended up dropping LSD with Bill Yusk. The first hit was weak and I dropped another tab. Still nothing and I drank wine with Ann and Kim. Two hours later I was drunk and the LSD hit hard. […]

Wanted In Thirty-eight States

Coming back from midtown Subway Sunday slow A Train to Brooklyn A younger older man He asks, “Are you famous?” Like Ulysees to the cyclops I say, “I am no one.” He begs to differ. “You are someone. My name is Prince. From East New York. I done twenty-five. For five murders. The po-lice shot […]

Atheist Genesis – In the beginning there was nothing

Atheist’s Genesis – Creation

What hast you wroth?