Category Archives: Travel

The Harsimus Branch Embankment – Jersey City

Last Wednesday I left Clinton Hill to act the role of a drunken pool player in low-budget film. LATE FAME. A movie from a 1894 novella about a forgotten poet discovered by the young. My friend was the lead. “This movie is about you.” Famous for never. One scene was all I got. Losing at […]

Batten Kill Railroad – 2020

Dec 28, 2020 Greenwich, New York is a small village north of Troy. The farming community lays atop a ridge east the the Hudson River and the traffic along Route 29 consists mostly logging trucks and pick-ups. A rebel flag hung for the house next to the fire station. This was Trump Country, even though […]

BOXING DAY BLIZZARD – East Coast – 2010

From 2010 December 23 2010 was my last day of work for the holiday season. Richie Boy and I had worked solid three weeks. That day an extra hour was added to the schedule in hopes of last minute shoppers. There were none. Jewelry was x-ed off Santa’s list this year, although Richie Boy held […]

Times Square Redux

Since the onset of Covid in March 2020 New York had been cut off from the rest of the world and also the USA. Americans were scared by the reports of crime and foreigners were banned from flying to JFK, however in the last months the restrictions have been downgraded to allow vaccinated international travelers […]

30,000 Feet over Burma – May 5, 1990 – Journal Entry

Previously published May 24, 2023 I have a flight to Kathmandu. I wish I could stay in Bangkok, but my money is getting low. I called New York from the Malaysia Hotel lobby. A collect call to Rickie Boy, who complained, “I haven’t had anyone to drink with since you left. The city sucks. The […]