Category Archives: friends

Friends in Our City

After COVID struck, the city closed everything. Mazin and I wandered the shorelines of Manhattan and Brooklyn drinking wine in the desolation of uncertainty. Counting the stars. It was our city. One night we sat at a Williamsburg park on the East River. Across lived his sister and he called her to illuminate the Christmas […]

Italians 2020

Italian Sandwich from Maine At David Henderson’s Williamsburg Sculpture studio. They are only made in Southern Maine. Ham, tomatoes, pickles, onions, olives, cheap cheese and peppers. Lunch for the workers in the mills along the Saco River. Now almost extinct thanks to fast food chains, although in 2020 David brought two from Scarborough. Most excellent. […]

Never MIA My Friends

Barney Johnson, David Russell, Philippe Brook et moi. 1990s. The years were rough on this band. Barney I knew from Hurrah nightclub in the 1970s and and Philippe from Paris in the 1980s gone. Two years ago I came close to joining them and leaving David Russell, the youngest of us all, the only one […]

Montauk # 29

Autumn morning 2024 Again Ditch Plains Off-shore easterly Surfers on a chest-high swell Seagulls skating the crest A bright sun No sunglasses Squint Richie Boy thinking Work or surf___ A fishing boat chugging to harbor At least twenty aged surf bums On the break___ We On the beach Richie Boy A friend for almost fifty […]

Masturbating Ban By Wasps – Conversation with Sharon Mitchell

Pete! Text Conversation between Sharon Mitchell in Santa Cruz and me in Clinton Hill Sharon – I think I’m losing my mind or something. I just keep having really weird dreams and usually every night when I take a shower, I use a little bit of body wash and then some oil for moisture but […]