Category Archives: 60s

Martin Luther King Lives

Martin Luther King was a man of non-violence. He led his people to greater freedom. MLK showed others the righteousness of his beliefs. His words ring as true today as back at the time of his death. We Have A Dream. To hear Martin Luther King’s Speech I HAVE A DREAM, please go to the […]

I’ve Been To The Mountaintop

On April 3, 1968 Martin Luther King Jr. spoke at the Mason Temple in Memphis, Tennessee mostly about the ongoing Memphis Sanitation Strike. At the end of his call for unity, economic actions, boycotts, and nonviolent protest, the Man of Peace discussed the possibility of an untimely death. Like anybody, I would like to live […]

Evil Personified – Edgar J Hoover – 2014

The FBI waged psychological warfare against Martin Luther King and his wife Coretta. Letter such as the one above, which suggested he take his life, were constantly sent to the family at the behest of the FBI director. J. Edgar Hoover was an evil man and his legacy haunts the FBI to this day. Not […]


Published 2013 Seventy-SIX years ago Japanese aircraft attacked the US Pacific Fleet. Nearly every capital ship in Pearl Harbor was sunk of severely damaged by bombs or torpedoes and the Pacific Ocean became a Japanese lake until Midway. The next day President Roosevelt declared before Congress, “December 7th shall live forever as a day of […]

Fifty-Nine Years Later

Today no one in New York had mentioned JFK’s bad day in Dallas. Neither the BBC, New York Times, nor Al-Jazeera wrote a single line about the November 22, 1963 tragedy, proving the old adage that as you get old you forget and as you get older you are forgotten. Fifty-nine years might be a […]