Category Archives: medicine

Everyday Spam

From 2009 Everyday spam promoting the use of various male-oriented products floods my email inbox. Increase your sperm load. Grow 3-4 inches of penis instantly. Viagra for renewed sexual vitality. Having lived in Pattaya throughout the 90s and 00s I understand their targeting a man in his 50s surrounded by go-go bars, bars, and promenades […]

A Curse on the White Man

Young men in the 1960s were constantly warned about the dangers of drugs, rock n roll, and sex. Sex not only led you to hell, but to Syphilis. We had no idea what Syphilis was, how you got it, and what you did once you had it other than horrific tales of doctors shoving an […]

The Popularity of Castration

Back in 2009 Bangkok’s The Nation reported on a growing castration (lopping off the testicles) or gaan dton trend amongst young wannabe ladyboys without funds to finance a complete sexual transformation. The castration operation costs $130US or 4400 baht and in most cases required parental approval. These young boys were convinced that ridding themselves of […]

NO REST FOR THE WICKED – 2008 – Boston

Eleven years after leaving the USA for good I departed from Thailand in May of 2008. My internet business had been wiped out by the shrinking dollar. Being broke in New York was not fun and at the month’s end I bussed up to Boston to celebrate my birthday. Written 1/9/13 2:51 PM That night my […]

Unschlocking the Schlong

WRITTEN 6/26/12 German courts have banned circumcision of older boys on the grounds that the traditional cutting off of the male foreskin causes the child bodily harm. In babies the healing process takes up to 10 days, but for older boys the scar will remain for months. Jews and Muslims angrily protested such a judgment […]