Category Archives: Rich


Lolitas on the subway Taunting all men’s desires A finger pulls apart the school uniform Fourteen and ripe with power Ingenue eyes asking, “You want to watch?” And what man can refuse Lolitas’ lost lips Mocking at all men. Their peals of teenage lust echoing of tiled walls Going home Thumpbam Thump bam Thump thump […]

The Plight of a Billionairess – 2009

Back in 2008 a shoe dropped on the world economy week. The downturn was unlike anything I had seen since gas crisis of 1973. One spring weekend in 2009 I couldn’t take any more bad news and fled New York for the bucolic hills of Dutchess County. My good friend AC picked me up at […]

HEAD OUT ON THE HIGHWAY by Peter Nolan Smith

Throughout 2017 I worked in Greenwich, Connecticut on a $4 million house for Mumbles. The Washington DC native considered himself very smart in business. I would have felt the same, if I was living off a trust fund, but Foakley was too smart for his own good and the project languished with his every indecision. […]

THE TRUE REWARD OF A LIE by Peter Nolan Smith

My flight from Bangkok via Taipei and Anchorage to JFK in 2008 lasted almost thirty-six hours. I wished the trip had taken even longer since I had nothing to gain in America, however we landed stateside on time ending the longest Sunday of my life. The immigration officer asked how long I had been out […]


Last week the FBI searched Trump’s Mar-A-Lago for classified documents from various intelligence agencies such as the CIA and the Pentagon. The right-wing NY Times demanded access to the search warrant issued by the US Attorney General and Merrick Garland released a very edited affidavit, which outlined the reasons for such a high-level invasion of […]