Tag Archives: haiku

The Speed of Nothing

An ant on my hand Life or death My choice I choose to do nothing. To often we feel obliged to act When the best course of action is inaction Of course I have upgraded Sloth from the Seven Deadly Sins to a virtue in revenge for astronomers downgrading Pluto from palnet status. I rejoice […]

The Smell of the Old

One night I asked Alex “Do I smell old.” Sniff. “No.” She had a cold.

Snow Now Haiku

New England forest in the snow. White going gray. The light going white. Foto by Aleta Wolfe

17 On

Pale sky, golden moon, purple horizon, blue waves and a road at dusk 17 on = a haiku. I cheated with the photo, however there is no greater expression than what we see when we cease to not see. This is not a haiku. Basho’s poem OLD POND 17th Century at the age old pond […]