Babi Yar Ala Gaza

On 29–30 September 1941 outside of Kyiv the Nazi occupiers of that city rounded up the city’s Jews and marched them to a ravine called Babi Yar. Throughout the next two days the SS Sondercommando squad massacred some thirty-four thousand men, women, and children. No one was spared, although twenty-nine people survived the killings by acting dead. A horrifying number and of course the SS and their commanders slept like princes after the slaughter.

Since the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel desert settlements, the IDF has indiscriminately killed over twenty-seven thousand Palestinians. Three months of constant and methodical killing, but without coming close to the savagery of Babi Yar. Netanyahu’s advisors must be asking themselves, “How was that possible? Should we be more ruthless with Amalekites.”

Bibi’s staff substitute that tribe for the people of Gaza.

Yahweh had allowed the Hebrews to annihilate this tribe after the crossing of the Red Sea.

“You shall not intermarry with them, giving your daughters to their sons, or taking their daughters for your sons, for they would turn away your sons from following me, to serve other gods”

According to the Old Testament the exiles from Egypt battled the Amalekites with the divine weapon. Moses and Aaron smote them with their hands and staffs. Not the first time nor the last the Children of Judah practiced extermination, but this time like the Holocaust the while world is not some much watching, but turning an eye.

Some of my Jewish friends are against the War on Gaza, but the others only see genocide as the one true Final Solution. They have yet to understand that it really isn’t easy to kill off an entire people and it comes at a cost. The future looks dark, but I have hopes that more ignorant minds take over and try to accomplish the impossible. Peace.

Shalom is the same in Hebrew as it is in Arabic.

Israeli military has struck at Hamas leaders. Their replacements will be in no hurry to negotiate with assassins.

But peace has to meant something to everyone.

As does genocide.

Remember Babi Yar.

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