Category Archives: journal

May 30 1992 – Bangkok – Journal

Two mornings ago I making a call at the overseas phone booth in the Malaysia Hotel. A young bearded man entered the lobby. We had last seen each other in Kathmandu 1990 after a trek to Lantang Glacier. Upon departure westward to Europe I had told Dice, if he was in Bangkok, then you should […]

Seeing Past the Hudson – Poetry 1978 – Journal

Soft, the West Wind Blowing with visions Of the continent Beyond the Hudson River Jersey to the Delaware Water Gap The Midwest corn fields 360 flat horizens The Mississippi Corn giving way to cattle The Missouri High prarie rising from the Midwest Sighting of the Rockies Desert Nevada More desert The Sierras Oh California The […]

July 20 1977 – Journal – Riis

A hot day in the city. I finished serving lunch at the executive dining room on Wall Street a little past 1pm and caught the A train to the Rockaway Beach after which a bus transported me to Riis Park, the gay nude beach. Hundreds of queers and lesbian sunbathed naked. Spread legs showing cocks […]

July 14, 1978 East 60th Street – Journal

I spent the evening with Kurt Rose friend.After coming back from Paris she has kept her distance, although we spent the last week together. Kirk said she just plays with people’s emotions because she has none. “She just wants you for sex.” He might have a point. “I want the same. Sex.” “I want to […]

July 14, 1994 Bastille Day – East Village – Journal Entry

Another sweltering summer day with temperatures rising along with the tempers. No one remembers how cold the winter was. No one is talking about anything about other than the hot. At the Tompkins Square basketball court we are drowning our innards with water and juices and sweating out it as fast as we drink. I […]