Tag Archives: basketball

July 14, 1994 Bastille Day – East Village – Journal Entry

Another sweltering summer day with temperatures rising along with the tempers. No one remembers how cold the winter was. No one is talking about anything about other than the hot. At the Tompkins Square basketball court we are drowning our innards with water and juices and sweating out it as fast as we drink. I […]

THE DUKE OF ROCK by Peter Nolan Smith

Published on 5/2/2010 I don’t own a television. My laptop provided most of the programming necessary for entertainment, although the online screen resembles that of an airline economy-class movie presentation. The only gap on my computer has been sporting events and I fill that absence by heading down to Frank’s Bar on Fulton Avenue. Last […]

The Cage – West 4th Street 11/1/2023

< B-ball Over the years Two mornings ago I exited from the West 4th Street station Early for my eldercare of Professor Ollman. A forty year-old player spoke with two ballers. I had seen the bearded ace before. He had a great handle And even better shot. I asked if I could take a few […]


Every high tide deposited beer bottles, oil containers, fishing lines, shiny candy wrappers, and plastic bags onto the sloping shoreline of Jomtien Beach. At low tide I harvested the trash into sea-worn rice bags. Within a half-hour the sand was devoid of any human refuse and I smugly regarded the pristine strand with pride. While […]

Pocket Radio

The following day my father brought home two crystal radio sets shaped as rockets. They were made in Japan. My father was an electrical engineer with New England Bell and explained their workings, “You attached alligator clips to a metal object. The signal is transmitted to the antenna and you tuned the radio with a […]