Category Archives: Poetry

Childcity, Aprilcity – Gregory Corso

Baby City, April City, angel spirits hiding in the gates, poets, parasites in their hair, beautiful Baudelaire, Artaud, Rimbaud, Apollinaire, contemplate the night city – Whistleblowers and goalkeepers, Penalty of Montparnasse, mortal Notre Dame, contemplate the night circle, the inherited dome, Hugo and Zola buried together, harleccino’s death trap, the Seine breeds filthy sludge, The […]

Horseshoe Crabs And Us 2050

I have visions Not dream But visions Of the Future 2050 Sitting on the B38 bus Traveling down Myrtle Avenue__ Summertime No cars None More trees More flowers Vegetable gardens too. Everyone walking Riding bikes Less people than 2024 A lot less The rich escaped to the Moon To Mars We hear nothing from them […]

Seeing Past the Hudson – Poetry 1978 – Journal

Soft, the West Wind Blowing with visions Of the continent Beyond the Hudson River Jersey to the Delaware Water Gap The Midwest corn fields 360 flat horizens The Mississippi Corn giving way to cattle The Missouri High prarie rising from the Midwest Sighting of the Rockies Desert Nevada More desert The Sierras Oh California The […]

July 13, 1986 Journal

Looking sliding my thigh between yours Denim on denim Skin beneath the denim The train rocks on the track Lena and me stand At the end of the car Only a few passengers We don’t care if they look We are lost In this act Your hand on my crotch My cock underneath the denim […]

East Village Dawn October 26, 1986 – Journal

East Village Dawn Dawn Crawling towards noon Lena’s bare feet pad across barer floors To an open window Overlooking the alley willow Turns Then to the closet Grabs A silk robe To wrap ’round her nakedness Back to the bedroom Seven steps Then Lena sits silently on the bed Her hand Touches my thigh Caresses […]