Tag Archives: hamburg

American Friend – 1976 – Wim Wenders

Last night I watched Wim Wenders AMERICAN FRIEND 1976. I hadn’t seen it in almost a half- century. Six years later as a semi -fugitive from New York I ended up there working at. nightclub BSIRs. Back then the DJ Henri Flesh and I roamed the city looking for the film’s locations. I’m presently rewriting […]

Almost A Dead Man – Chapter 1

ONE The damp scurry of claws across the floor startled the woman on the battered chair and she lifted her black stiletto heels in horror. Rats were the least of her problems. Over the phone her lover had suggested a nocturnal rendezvous in Hamburg’s harbor district. The woman had expected rough sex. Instead two men […]

Nacht Und Nebel 2011

In the summer of 1982 Count-No-Count phoned my East Village apartment. Kurt was calling from Hamburg with an offer of a job as ‘tursteher’ at his nightclub BSIR. The pay for a doorman was $150 a night, free accommodations, and all I could drink. Being dead-broke and wanted for questioning by the NYPD Internal Affairs […]

May 9 1990 – Kathmandu – Nepal – Journal Entry

Published on May 25, 2023 Kathmandu is a magical city filled with pilgrims traveling to the city’s holy shrines and temples of the pantheon of Asian religions. I haven’t seen a single church and with good reason. Jesus might have traveled to Kashmir after his crucifixition, but no one here worships him here. Certainly not […]

THE BOUQUET OF RUINS by Peter Nolan Smith

Dec 1982 Some cities are best defined by songs such as APRIL IN PARIS or AUTUMN IN NEW YORK, but Hamburg defied music, especially as winter weather skimmed off the North Sea to besiege the harbor city with endless rain, cold, and darkness. Every day the night conquered a few more minutes of light and […]