Monthly Archives: November 2011

Brain Worm

My abandonment of God has not lessened his influence on the people in my life. They attend church and pray to Their Master for guidance and assistance and thanks. Their belief is a source of comfort in a life fraught with worry. I restrained myself from challenging the existence of a bearded deity in a […]

A Spade Calling A Spade A Spade

At last week’s G-20 meeting in Nice the French President Nicolas Sarkozy was overheard saying to President Obama, “”I cannot bear Netanyahu, he’s a liar.” Obama was quick to defend his position with the Israeli PM. “You’re fed up with him, but I have to deal with him even more often than you.” The off-the-cuff […]

LOVE Charles Bukowski

The Streets Of Paris

Thirteen years was a long time to stay away from Paris. The city had traded on the grime of the 20th Century for cleansed stones. The streets were avenues of luxury stores. I spent most of the morning searching for a beret. I had no success. Paris might be eternal, however it was not the […]

Worse Than A Bad Hand

The epic monsoon floods on 2011 are slowly receding from the record highwater marks throughout the country. Hundreds of Thai citizens have perished from the inundation. Industry and agriculture have suffered from the disruption of the infrastructure. Inner Bangkok escaped the catastrophe as promised by the government, but the outskirts joined the Central Thailand underwater. […]