Tag Archives: art


Rome wasn’t burnt in a day. – James Steele New York City teetered toward bankruptcy during America’s economic stagnation of the mid-70s and on Oct. 29, 1975 the Daily News splashed the headline FORD TO CITY: DROP DEAD, after the president refused to bailout New York. The mayor slashed every department’s budget to the bone […]

UPPER THERE by Peter Nolan Smith

In August of 1987 friends in Michigan extended invitations to visit them in Onekema and the Upper Peninsula. Paulie, Gregg, and I celebrated our departure at the Milk Bar in Lower Manhattan. “Why are you going to Michigan for vacation?” Scottie the owner was a New Yorker. The rest of the country was a blank […]

BEAR MEAT by Peter Nolan Smith

In August of 1987 Pullie Fallen, Grieg Packer, and I left New York City for Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. The art professor, literary agent, and I took turns driving Pullie’s F-150 pickup truck through the sweltering heat of the Midwest. None of us broke the speed limit, since Pullie had two unlicensed guns under his seat. […]

A LOSS OF MEMORY by Peter Nolan Smith

The Catholic Church and other derivatives of the Judaeo-Christian faith extol monogamy as the true state of man and woman, then explain sex through the mysteries of the birds and bees. Actually my parents never lectured their children on that subject, although they said that the stork had delivered each of my new brothers or […]

Walk Away Rene Don’t Run

From a peaceful resting place near the water Rene Ricard was a youth born to run Run to Boston in 1964 to be wild It was a good time to be young Walk Away Rene Don’t Run Down to New York Down to be someone Down with Warhol Down with the scene Walk Away Rene […]