Tag Archives: thailand

Pawh Den Always

Monsoons late. Months after Songkran. Buffalo wander the rice paddies. Looking for their old friend. Den Khongbua Grandfather gone. Kwai remember him. Den the only one Who knew their names. Den Gone But not from memory Kwai. Not gone forever. Not from our memories too. I see you soon, grandfather Den But not today.

Happy 63rd Father’s Day Poo Frank

My father passed away over twelve years ago. Today would have been his 62nd Father?s Day. Frank A Smith II was my best friend. Still is. He loved my mother and mourned her early passing from this life. My father loved his kids. All six of us. Frank III, Regina, Pam, Patrick, Michael, and me. […]

The Popularity of Castration

Back in 2009 Bangkok’s The Nation reported on a growing castration (lopping off the testicles) or gaan dton trend amongst young wannabe ladyboys without funds to finance a complete sexual transformation. The castration operation costs $130US or 4400 baht and in most cases required parental approval. These young boys were convinced that ridding themselves of […]

May Day Thailand

Thailand has an amazing galaxy on public holidays, mostly religious or honoring the royal family history. Many farangs are befuddled by this unexplained cosmos, especially since the nation celebrates three different New Year’s Days. Western, Chinese, and Thai. Today is a bank holiday in Thailand, but few Thais or westerners know the origin of this […]

THE END OF RICE by Peter Nolan Smith

Thailand has many superstitions. One concerns rice. Never joke while eating or else a ghost will steal your rice. The ghosts will have to wait, for this is the beginning of the rainy season and throughout the Kingdom aging farmers are planting rice. The current price for jasmine rice per tonne from the wholesalers is […]