Category Archives: police

It’s Da Shoes

As a doorman in New York, London, Paris, Hamburg, le Sud de France, and Beverly Hills from the 1970s I to the 1990s the bosses always asked about my criteria for admission. Many other doormen said, “Shoes.” Me, it was a look. A look like you wanted a good time without any trouble, although I […]

Liberte A La France

Back in 1984 French students in Paris rebelled against the education edicts of President Mitterand’s socialist government. The protestors emptied the Sorbonne and took control of St. Germain. The police called on the CRS, the fascist SWAT squads, to deal with the manifestations blocking the Left Bank’s most traveled boulevard. Students anticipated an afternoon attack, […]

Welcome To Ulster 2014

Three nights ago I exited from the subway into the XXXL Mall at Atlantic Terminal. Scores of uniformed police were scattered about the shopping center. Outside on the street even more cops slunk in groups. At first I thought they were protecting the mall from any protests against years of endemic police brutality against people […]

Final Warning by Anonymous

Anonymous declared war on the Ferguson Police Force after the murder of an innocent civilian by one of their officers. Riot squads attacked protesters with raised arms with tear gas and rubber bullets. The Ferguson PD were out of control. They are on the streets for blood. SWAT assassination squads ready to take down the […]

Swat Signs Of Paranoia

My good friend from Palm Beach woke this morning to a military police invasion. “A convoy of fire trucks, police and EMTs came racing by my house and stopped by the beach access. A dozen or more heavily suited and oxygen equipped men trudged down the jungle path to a sweltering and empty beach. Thinking […]