Category Archives: Liberty

Bad Debt Good

My first credit card was backed by the endorsement of Mrs. Carolina in 1995. “An American Express for emergencies.” The southerner loved the way I kissed and visited me once a month in New York. Ms. Carolina told her husband that I was gay. His believing her mapped out a faultline in my masculinity. Ms. […]

Cinco De Mayo

Fifteen years ago my brother-in-law and I left the cabin on Watchic Pond. My sister remained in the kitchen prepping for lunch. The bright spring sun had heated the morning and the thermometer nailed to a tall pine read 72F. Our task, putting in the dock in the lake in early May. The water temperature […]

May Day Thailand

Thailand has an amazing galaxy on public holidays, mostly religious or honoring the royal family history. Many farangs are befuddled by this unexplained cosmos, especially since the nation celebrates three different New Year’s Days. Western, Chinese, and Thai. Today is a bank holiday in Thailand, but few Thais or westerners know the origin of this […]

4:20 2021 – 2009

Today is 4/20, when people celebrate smoking marijuana worldwide, despite the draconian laws against the weed. In total 48 states have legalized marijuana use. The hold-outs come as no surprise. God and pot do not mix. Idaho and Nebraska are the final die-hard anti reefer backwaters. Denying the fact that the States and Federal government […]

Florida Drifter – January 1975 – Journal Entry

 Past midnight
 A Palm Beach golf course
 The 17th green
 Palm trees silhouettes Against a starry balmy night.
 I fall asleep. On a sheet On the green grass. Before dawn
 Rain drops
 Not rain
 Green sprinklers
 To the west night
 To the east the sun
 Flamingoes surrounded the green
 Pink flamingoes A hot swampy […]