Category Archives: Food

Italians 2020

Italian Sandwich from Maine At David Henderson’s Williamsburg Sculpture studio. They are only made in Southern Maine. Ham, tomatoes, pickles, onions, olives, cheap cheese and peppers. Lunch for the workers in the mills along the Saco River. Now almost extinct thanks to fast food chains, although in 2020 David brought two from Scarborough. Most excellent. […]

Italians To Go

If I could click my heels and be anywhere in the USA, my # 1 destination would be Watchic Lake in Maine. My grandfather and his friends dammed a stream at Watchic’s western end to create a lake by building a dam in the 1920s. He built a log cabin for his family and I’ve […]

Bad Mouthing the Eagle

Benjamin Franklin never proposed the turkey for the national bird. It is a myth, however the turkey of his era was nothing like the domesticated bird slaughtered for Thanksgiving. The wild turkey was a cunning wood creature living in large communes of fellow avians. Huge flocks of brightly plumed turkeys clouded the skies. Benjamin Franklin […]

Make Mine Rare

Two Labor Day weekends ago in Maine my brother-in-law and I had several discussions about whether it was better to BBQ with charcoal or gas. The world’s leading leisurologist voted for gas and I bowed to the swami’s greater savvy on this subject. Some subjects you have to leave to the experts.

The Aroma of Paradise / Gaspe Quebec

The ride from the ferry landing on the south shore of the St Lawrence to Gaspe took longer than my father and I had anticipated, even counting for a Quebec trooper stopping my father for speeding. 160 KPH in a 100 KPH zone. My father received a warning and we were back on our way, […]