Tag Archives: chinese

The Myth of Monkey Brains – 2017

Sitting in a Hong Kong dim sum cafe, I reflected on the strange ‘delicacies’ eaten on my travels; snails in France, dog in Indonesia, fried rats and insects in Thailand, alligator in Florida, and sausage pies in the UK, but whenever the discussions comes around the table to the most revolting meal in the world […]

Xin Nian Kuai Le or 新年快乐 2015

Chinese New Year comes later in the Julian Calendar, but there’s nothing wrong with saying Xin Nian Kuai Le 新年快乐 early. Happy New Year. 2015. The 2+ 0 + 1 + 5 = 8 and the number eight in Chinese Pinyin is considered as good luck, since the syllables echo those of the word Pinyan-ba […]

Marco Polo Pole Dancing School

My cousin Sherri was a stripper. She was an aerial expert on the steel poles. Naked the slender brunette would swirl around the metal column like an Aztec skydiver. her mother never came to a show, but I always told Aunt Mary, “You’re daughter is the best.” “That’s because you’re family.” “Maybe a little, but […]