Tag Archives: eight ball

LOST BY THE EIGHT BALL by Peter Nolan Smith

From 2013 None of the cops from the 9th Precinct were happy about the closing of the basement bar next to their station house in the summer of 1980. Even fewer were excited by its re-opening as a French bistro. Evelyn’s Bistro was another sign that the East Village was giving way to a new […]

Xin Nian Kuai Le or 新年快乐 2015

Chinese New Year comes later in the Julian Calendar, but there’s nothing wrong with saying Xin Nian Kuai Le 新年快乐 early. Happy New Year. 2015. The 2+ 0 + 1 + 5 = 8 and the number eight in Chinese Pinyin is considered as good luck, since the syllables echo those of the word Pinyan-ba […]