Tag Archives: 9th precinct


Howling sirens drove the panicked East Villagers into the Astor Place Subway. Most failed to pierce the scrum at the head of the stairs to the station and they raised their eyes to the speck falling to Earth. A white flash vaporized New York into the ionosphere. “DOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAA.” The subhuman scream ping-ponged up the canyon […]

LOST BY THE EIGHT BALL by Peter Nolan Smith

From 2013 None of the cops from the 9th Precinct were happy about the closing of the basement bar next to their station house in the summer of 1980. Even fewer were excited by its re-opening as a French bistro. Evelyn’s Bistro was another sign that the East Village was giving way to a new […]

April 13, 1981 – The Ritz after the Jefferson Raid – Journal Entry

Paul Garcia, Arthur’s partner, at the Jefferson, said he was going to be at the Ritz tonight. I walked there at 10 expecting a no-show, but he was speaking with the owner at the downstairs bar. Jerry signaled the barman and said, “Give this man whatever he wants to drink. He had a rough night.” […]

April 12, 1981 – The Jefferson Raid – East Village – Journal Entry

After midnight above Jefferson Theater the exquisite wickedness of Arthur Weinstein’s apartment became a home away from home for hell-bent nightlifers raced at full-tilt to utter abandonment. I ran the door and had to refuse several unlikely party-goers. Something was not right about them. They looked like cops and one couple were too friendly, offering […]

ALMOST A DEAD MAN by Peter Nolan Smith – CHAPTER 2

Howling sirens sent East Villagers fleeing into the Astor Place Subway. A lucky few reached the shelter of the tunnel and the rest raised their eyes to the speck falling to Earth. A white flash vaporized New York into the ionosphere.