Tag Archives: quebec


Scientists first warned the world about global warming with an 1975 article published in SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. ‘Inadvertent climate modification’ sounded like gobbledygook to the common man, who was more terrified by the possibility of a ‘nuclear winter’ produced by an atomic bomb exchange between the USA and USSR. American oil producers pooh-bayed the National Academy […]

Gnawing Wolves

I can’t drowned, because Chaney drowned in Sebago Lake in 1960. I’m more a jumper, but have always feared surviving the failure of any attempt at suicide. During my descent to death Maz was enlisted to help me end it all, but driving past the boreal pines of Quebec to the tundra. Someplace where the […]

The Aroma of Paradise / Gaspe Quebec

The ride from the ferry landing on the south shore of the St Lawrence to Gaspe took longer than my father and I had anticipated, even counting for a Quebec trooper stopping my father for speeding. 160 KPH in a 100 KPH zone. My father received a warning and we were back on our way, […]

A MAN OF SPEED by Peter Nolan Smith

Father’s Day has complemented Mother’s Day since 1910, although the holiday remained unofficial for decades and most Americans treated Father’s Day as a joke, until LBJ proclaimed the Third Sunday in June as Father’s Day. Six Years later Richard Nixon signed a bill to include Father’s Day in the American pantheon of holidays. “The only […]

Au Revoir Les Quebecoises

Christmas trees appeared in Fort Greene the day after Thanksgiving and the pine aroma of the Northern Woods permeated the corner of Lafayette and South Elliot for the weeks leading up to Christmas. The two young people selling the trees were from Quebec and I greeted them each day with a ‘bonjour’. Amy and Vincent […]