Tag Archives: star trek

Tubas In Space

I always thought that there would be no tubas in Space. Too big, too heavy, use too much oxygen, but on a Star Trek episode some crew member played one in the holo deck. I googled ‘tuba star trek’ and discovered the Star Trek Voyager theme featured a tuna. Google search also revealed that no […]

The 420 Bus to Hollywood

In the late spring of 1995 I lived with Scottie Taylor in a North Hollywood pool house. The homeowner ran a strip club off West Pico Boulevard. Dennis’ dancers sunbathed nude in the mornings. They were Jesus freaks and read the Bible like a choir of fallen angels. Scottie and I were sinners in their […]

The Wasteland of TV

TS Eliot wrote his groundbreaking elegy to commemorate the slaughter of a generation in WWI. April is the cruelest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. The poet’s first four lines have symbolized the boredom of waiting for summer to millions, but the wasteland […]

Iowa Snow

Many people living on the East and West Coasts of America refer to the land in between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans as the fly-over. The State of Iowa is in the center of the United States. The nearest big city is Chicago. Most of its residents are devoted to growing corn. The Federal government […]

A Messenger From Afar Visting First

Hawaiian astronomers spotted a cigar-shaped asteroid traversing the solar system at 87,000 mph. The star gazers at the Pan-STARRS1 observatory determined that the 1400 foot long object’s origins were from an unknown star system and named it ‘Oumuamua’ or a ‘a messenger from afar arriving first’. Astronomers added that they had never seen this shape […]