Tag Archives: punk

No Guns For Me

When I first arrived in New York, a gay jazz pianist friend of James Spicer, offered me a .38 at a Christopher Street bar. “No, thanks.” “No, thanks?” CT was small. He carried a piece for protection. New York in 1977 was very dangerous for man, woman, and in-between. “Someone like you needs a gun.” […]


There are no more Ramones on Earth. Tommy Ramones joined his three brothers. I was lucky enough to catch them in 1976. On a winter night I was walking up the Bowery. I heard CALIFORNIA SUN from a bar. I walked inside. My life was changed forever. They were our band. Here is an excerpt […]

Lisa Takes A Bath 1978

My apartment at 256 East 10th Street was a relic of tenement living. There were no electrical outlets in the bedroom. A water closet had a pull chain for the overhead tank. Warped wooden floors spread to crumbling plaster walls traveled by tribes of cockroaches. Girls didn’t like the insects, but they loved the bathtub […]


Music from Andrix Words from MAYBE TOMORROW Please go to the following URL http://andrix.bandcamp.com/track/the-dark-swarm

CHINESE ROCKS – Johnny Thunders and the Heartbreakers

Nothing says 1970s Lower East Side better than Johnny Thunders performing the classic CHINESE ROCKS. “I’M LIVING ON CHINESE ROCKS. ALL MY BEST THINGS ARE IN HOCK.” He was a legend on the Lower East Side. “I take smack because I enjoy it. I enjoy all it makes me feel. I don’t do it to […]