Tag Archives: heroin

You Can’t Put Your Arm Around A Memory

In May 1984 I ran into Johnny Thunders in Paris. He was playing at the Gibus club outside Republique. His manager was a German drug dealer. I owed Chris $200 for an 8-ball I had bought in 1982. It hadn’t been half-bad. “You have to pay me.” The German thought he was a tough guy. […]

Damaged Done With The Needle In My Arm

After the Viet-Nam War wounded veterans deadened their pain by shooting heroin. It was cheap and available. A knife, a fork, a needle, and a cork was the way Rastas spelled New York, the smack capitol of the USA and the other night my friends were telling me about this opium they smoked in New […]

BAG OF NAILS by Peter Nolan Smith

Throughout the 70s Nickie Barnes strongarmed for a Harlem heroin empire under the protection of the Lucchese crime syndicate. His godfather ‘Crazy Joe’ Gallo helped Barnes create ‘the Council’ to run the trade north of 125th Street and Barnes earned the nickname ‘Mr. Untouchable’ for his skill at beating charges and evading arrests. Neither the […]