Tag Archives: donald trump

Presidential Proclamation on Columbus Day, 2018

In 1492, Christopher Columbus and his mighty three-ship fleet, the Niña, Pinta, and Santa Maria, first spotted the Americas. His historic achievement ushered in an Age of Discovery that expanded our knowledge of the world. Columbus’s daring journey marked the beginning of centuries of transatlantic exploration that transformed the Western Hemisphere. On Columbus Day, we […]

Half the Hermit Kingdom

World Peace seems an unattainable goal, although North Korea’s leader ordered the remains of American soldiers to be returned to the USA. Donald trump thanked Kim Jong Un and said he was looking forward to meeting him again. According to some sources Kim Jong Un has yet to stop North Korea’s nuclear program. Obviously the […]

Scared Of Sharks

Helicopters have flown over Florida beaches to discover hundreds of sharks close to the shore. Usually drawn by shoals of fish. Sharks have no friends, although lampreys hitchhike on the killing machine. Recently a story from a porno actress’ 2006 sexual encounter with Donald Trump has revealed the billionaire’s abject fear of sharks. In a […]

The Attack Of The Grinch

The Trump tax plan has overhauled the code largely in favor of the filthy rich. None of his supporters have criticized this Christmas gift to the top .01%. Everyone wants to be a billionaire and hope for a miracle to raise them from swamp of the middle class, but as I’ve always said, “There are […]

Untying The Knot Of Thai Wires

Last year Microsoft’s Bill Gates visited Thailand and upon seeing the tangles of wires hanging over the streets complained about the masses stealing electricity from the power companies. The Harvard drop-out is considered to be one of the richest men in the world and in his youth spent hours developing new phones and computers, so […]