Tag Archives: assassination

A Nice Man

Reaction in the Muslim world to the assassination of Osama Bin Laden has ranged from outrage to relief. Supporters in the hundreds stormed onto the streets in London, waving placards predicting Islam will dominate the world. As a beer-drinker I begged to differ from their forecast of global Sharia law. Beermas will rule the Earth. […]

Obama’s Assassinability Factor

Hillary Clinton lashed out at her opponent this weekend in hopes of kick-starting her faltering presidential campaign. Her character assassinations have not resonated with any segment of the Democratic electorate. People like Obama. They like him a lot, but black Americans are beginning to get the ‘fears’. The ‘fears’ of Obama’s assassinability.

Nothing Says Welcome Home like a Bomb

Benazir Bhutto ended her 8-year exile with her arrival in Karachi. Hundreds of thousands greeted the former PM, as she toured Pakistan’s most populous city with party members, however their joy turned to sorrow with two powerful car bombs. 120 people were killed outright and scores maimed by the blasts. Ms. Bhutto escaped unharmed, yet […]

BOBBY the movie

In 1966 I was standing in the Lower Mills trolley station outside of Boston with my father. He was a staunch Republican from the State of Maine, but when a Mattapan-bound trolley stopped to let off Robert F Kennedy. Sensing an opportunity to meet the future my father rushed me over to RFK. The young NY senator […]